The first overseas trip was in 1984 in New York, USA. I had a strong desire to go abroad to see the beautiful nature and meet many people. And it was the United States that I was able to go overseas from Japan for the first time. Moreover, I visited the city of my dreams, New York.
A few days after arriving in Manhattan, I was enjoying the atmosphere while walking the streets near the Empire State Building. When I was a little hungry and started looking for a shop, I found a stall selling pizza. Surprisingly there was only one type of pizza. The pizza was a thin crust with only tomato sauce and cheese and no toppings. And that one slice pizza was huge. It may have been 30 cm or more. My taste buds were dancing when I took a bite of the hot, freshly baked pizza. This was the New York pizza that I would come to know later.
(Image: New York pizza)