Set up a company in Japan – Abico Japan Co., Ltd is supporting many people who are involved in the development of human resources through educational business.

Abico Japan Co., Ltd.  is a member of ABICO GROUP based in Taiwan. ABICO GROUP is deploying business in the area of office equipment, IT products, and healthcare. Their business is expanding abroad mainly in Asia. In 2020, Abico Japan Co., Ltd. was founded in Japan.  Abico Japan is a sole distributor of IPEVO in Japan. IPEVO headquarters is located in Taiwan and they are large manufacture of document camera. In the United States, they have a large market share specially in the education market. Abico Japan’s mission is to pioneer education market and to develop human resources towards future. (Image: IPEVO product, document camera)

Management consulting in Japan – Introducing Japan Axis Communication Association providing human resources development program.

 Japan Axis Communication Association analyzes human resources and provides consulting service with team leaders and managements. They are proposing a way of team building and communication between employees to promote productivity and business growth. There are parts of personality that you can not see, even though you have been seeing each other for years. They analyze that invisible part as an expert and seek a way of sales improvement which is beneficial to customers, employees, and management. Their motto is to change our communication, change our culture, and change our society. They are actively developing activities to contribute to the social community through better communication.  The most important one may be ‘people’ in the management resources like people, things, money, and information. We are sympathetic with their vision and mission and look forward to find an opportunity to work with them. (Image: Seminar conducted by Japan Axis Communication Association)